InternalDescription2=Cari masalah dalam "Registry"
InternalDescription3=Cari Jejak Penggunaan
Progress1=Menjalani bot-check
Progress2=Menjalani registry-check
Progress3=Menjalani usage-tracking-check
Progress4=Tamat mengesan sistem
ResultsRegistryValue=Nilai Registry
ResultsRegistryKey=Kunci-kunci Registry
ResultsRegistryChange=Registry tukar
ResultsFileReplace=Gantikan file
ResultsFileChange=Tukar file
ResultsHelpfile=helpfile hilang
ResultsAppPath=Salah app path
ResultsSharedDLL=shared DLL hilang
ResultsUninstallInfo=Wrong uninstall information
ResultsUninstaller=Run Uninstaller
ResultsFileBackup=Backup file
ResultsFileMove=Move file
ResultsEmptyCache=Empty cache
ResultsBrokenLink=Broken link
ResultsPhonebook=RAS number
ResultsRunFile=Startup file does not exist
ResultsHost=Redirected host
ScanProblemsFound=problems found
ScanRescanNeeded=You need to scan again after restoring recovered items to have them appear on the results list again.
ScanSearchException=Error during check!
DialogTitleFilesToShred=Select file(s) to shred...
DialogTitleFileAttachments=Select file(s) to attach to mail...
DialogTitleWaitDelayStart=Set delay in minutes until starting the scan...
DialogTitleWaitDelayFound=Set delay in seconds to wait...
DialogTitleProxy=Proxy settings
ProductCompanyURL=Company URL
ProductURL=Company product URL
ProductPrivacyURL=Company privacy URL
ProductPrivay=Privacy Statement
StrNotFound=not found
StrFound=should be fixed!
StrFixed=fixed now
StrNoFix=can't be fixed?
StrUnlabeledFileset=unlabeled fileset
StrFilterAll=All files
StrAuthorUnknown=Unknown author
StrCookieNotSet=(cookie not set)
StrIEError=Error connecting to IE!
DoNotRunTwice=Spybot-S&&D is already running!
ProgramStarted=Program started.
NoSysDir=Couldn't find system directory. Quiting now.
ExecuteError=An error occured when running a file.
HostsFileRead=Reading Hosts file
IncludeFileForeign=This file has no valid checksum from PepiMK Software.%0D%0AUsing other include files then the provided may be dangerous!%0D%0AAre you sure you can trust this file?
ExcludeSpyCookies=You have excluded tracking cookies from the search. Do you really want to NOT check for them?
StartupNewValue=Please enter new value:
GridInfo0=Look for the newest version at:
GridInfo1=If you've got any comments, please mail to:
GridInfo2=Or visit the forum:
Credits0=For their support by reporting bugs, new bots and suggestions, and for testing of bugy beta versions, i would like to express my thanks to the following people:
Credits1=Furthermore, I would like to thank everyone who has read my license and wished me luck.
Credits2=Without their help, and the help of many others i forgot to mention, SpyBot wouldn't be what it is now.
UninstallRegistry=Do you really want to remove saved settings?
UninstallFiles=Now you only need to exit the program and delete it's directory to finish uninstall.
DumpTrashNotEmpty=! not empty !
DumpTrashNotFound=? where is it ?
UpdateWarning=You should only check this if you are permanently connected to the internet or if you have a flatrate. Do you really want to enable auto-checking for updates?
UpdateWaiting=Please stand by while checking for new versions...
UpdateVisit=A new version is available online.%0D%0ADo you want to visit to download?
UpdateNothing=Thanks for looking, but there are no new versions online right now.%0D%0ASubscribe to my mailinglist to get notice of new versions immediately after the release.
UpdateFinished=Finished looking for update.
UpdateSearch=Searching for updates...
UpdateDownloaded=Downloaded update info file.
UpdateInfoFile=Update info file retrieved.
UpdateNoAvailable=No newer updates available.
UpdateInfoError=Error retrieving update info file!
UpdateRestart=Spybot-S&&D will be closed for this update to take effect!
UpdatesNotSelected=Please select some update files from the list first.
UpdateReminder=For maximum safety, please look for updates regularly.%0D%0AYou can use the integrated update function to do this.
UpdateBadChecksum=bad checksum
ProxyDialog=Please enter your proxy address (address:port)
ProxyDialogError=Proxy address not valid!
SystemClearInfo=Looks like your system is clean.
SystemNoSpybots=No Spybots were found.
SystemNoRegies=No registry inconsistencies were found.
SystemNoTracks=No usage tracks were found.
RecoveryRead=Reading recovery information...
RecoveryReadFinished=Recovery information read.
RecoveryError=Error while restoring registry settings!
NewsStart=Beginning News retrieval...
NewsEnd=News retrieval finished.
NewsError=Error while retrieving news!
SMTPConnected=Connected to mailserver...
SMTPError=Connection to mailserver failed!
SMTPRequired=Connection to mailserver required!
SMTPDisconnected=Disconnected from mailserver!
SMTPFailure=Failure while connecting to mailserver!
SMTPResolved=Mailserver resolved...
SMTPInvalid=Invalid mailserver!
SMTPRecipient=Mail recipient not found!
SMTPStarted=Started sending mail!
SMTPAuth=Mailserver authentification failed!
SMTPHeader=Mailheader incomplete!
PGPNotAvailable=PGP was not found on your system. Signatures can't be verified.
PGPInitError=PGP not installed or working
PGPnoFile=No signature file
PGPnotSigned=Not signed
PGPbadSigned=Bad !!!
PGPnoKey=No key found
PGPnoSignatures=The folder 'Signatures' was not found. Please reinstall Spybot-Search&Destroy!
BugReportError=An error occured while sending the bug report. Please check your mail settings & internet connection!
BugReportEmpty=Please enter your description of the bug first!
BugReportSent=Your bug report has been sent.
UserAbort=User abort!
UserAbortInfo=Scan was not completed successfully.
UserAbortStatus=Scan aborted by user.
SearchFinished=Search finished. Result are above.
SearchStart=Please enter a valid start path into the "new path" field
SearchNotStarted=No search started
HelpInfo=A helpfile is registered with Windows, but could not be found at the given location.
HelpField2=New path:
WrongAppInfo=An application is registered with Windows, but could not be found at the given location.
WrongAppField2=New path:
WrongRunFileInfo=A program wants to be started at system start, but the link is invalid.
WrongRunFileField2=New path:
SharedDLLInfo=An shared dynamic link library is registered with Windows, but could not be found at the given location.
SharedDLLField2=New DLL:
BrokenLinkInfo=A link directs to a file that cannot be found.
FixStart=Starting to fix problems
FixFinish=Finished fixing problems
FixRegistryConfirmation=Do you really want to delete this registry entry?
FixProblems=Some problems couldn' be fixed; the reason could be that the regarding files are still in memory.%0D%0AThis could be fixed after a restart.%0D%0AMay SpyBot-S&&D run on your next system startup?
InstallationCreateMenuItem=Create Start menu item
InstallationCreateDesktopIcon=Create Desktop icon
InstallationRemoveMenuItem=Remove Start menu item
InstallationRemoveDesktopIcon=Remove Desktop icon
InstallationMenuItemConfirmation=Do you want to create a start menu item?
InstallationDesktopIconConfirmation=Do you want to create a desktop item?
ButtonNoToAll=No to all
ButtonYesToAll=Yes to all
Use=guna bahasa melayu
FontName=MS Sans Serif
formMain=SpyBot-Search & Destroy - Guna atas risiko anda! - alihbahasa dari iman dan ayub
formPathDialog=Path silap
formUninstall=Uninstall Spybot - Search & Destroy
formLegals=Legal stuff
formProgress=Pengesan dalam progress...
formWaitForResponse=Menunggu renponse anda ...
formMailSettings=Setting Mail
formDelayBeforeStart=Tunggu untuk bermula...
formWaitForPrograms=Programs to wait for during timed program start
labelTranslationInfo=Sila ambil tahu bahawa SpyBot-S&&D adalah projek yang sering maju pada masa ini dan tidak semua fungsi baru akan dialihbahasakan segera. Alihbahasa akan dilakukan jika ada masa.
labelDownloadDirInfo=Drag download folder kegeraman anda dari explorer sini. Ia akan diperiksa untuk sebarang installers oleh ad-/spyware/dialers/keyloggers.
checkboxDownloadDirsRecursive=Check juga sub-directories diatas.
cbBotPresets.Hint=Choose a preset according to your preferred security level.
cbBotPresets.Items=pilihan bot setting pengguna%0D%0ABank Iman Dan Ayub- Sekuriti ketat - cari dan musnahkan sebarang bot.%0D%0ARelakslah! - Sekurit pertengahan - jangan buang bot yang berguna.%0D%0ASiapa kisah? - Tak ada sekuriti - biarkan apa-apa.%0D%0A
labelDumpTrashInfoText0=Fungsi ini akan membuangkan "key" yang tercipta manakala Spybot-S&&D versi lama mengesannya . Hanya "key" yang kosong sahaja akan dibuang . Sila tunggu sebentar.
labelDumpTrashInfoText1=Anda hanya perlu menjalankan fungsi ini hanya sekali, dan jika anda telah menggunakan Spybot-S&&D Versi 0.94 atau sebelumnya!
labelUpdate0=Guna pilihan ini jika anda hendak mengetahui jika terdapat SpyBot - Search && Destroy versi baru, dan apa terbaru tentangnya.
labelUpdate1=Aplikasi ini tidak akan menghantar sebarang maklumat tentang komputer anda kepada saya atau orang lain! Ia hanya akan "load" dan paparkan textfile dari webserver.
labelUpdate2=(Anda memerlukan connection internet untuk melakukan ini)
labelBugReport0=Before sending in a bug report, please make sure you are using a current version of Spybot-S&&D. To check, you can use the Update function or visit:
labelBugReport1=You may also visit Spybot's support forum, where other users may already have reported the same bug, and where you can find fixed beta versions. You can visit the forum here:
labelBugReport2=The bug report function does only collect all information from your last search result (the same as if you would save it to a text-file), some text of yours, and if you wish the contents of the clipboard. This data will be send my email.
labelInfo4=Dan ingat: selalunya, cara terbaik untuk membuang iklan adalah membayar yuran shareware!
labelInfo3=Berdasarkan license conditions aplikasi yang menggunakan robot intipan&&iklan , anda mungkin tidak dibenarkan untuk menggunakan aplikasi mereka. Sila baca license tersebut!
labelInfo1=SpyBot-S&&D mencari dalam cakerakeras dan registry anda untuk kewujudan robot intipan/pengiklanan . Jika jumpa, SpyBot-S&&D boleh membuangkannnya.
labelLicense1=There's a simple answer to that. What do you get if you buy a program? Lots of ones and zeros, that's all. If they were distributed as art, I could understand to pay for it.
labelLicense2=But if the main goal of their order is to earn money - by fees or ads - I don't like it!
labelLicense3=And that's why this program comes for free. But if you like it and it helped you, I ask you of one thing: say a prayer for me to your god - or whatever you believe in - and wish me some luck.
labelLicense4=Dedicated to the most wonderful girl on earth
labelDonations0=Kenapa anda patut memberi sumbangan?
labelDonations1=If you have visited the support forum recently, you may have noticed that I am spending one to many hours nearly every day on developing Spybot-S&&D now.
labelDonations5=So I am asking you to download my software, try it, and if you like it and can spare a few bucks, please come back and donate. This money will be used only to cover the costs of Spybot-S&&D hosting and development, and it is absolutely voluntarily!
labelDonations2=This has resulted in an application that is becoming more and more stable and useful, and as the word spread, more and more people downloaded it.
labelDonations3=I firmly believe that software for private use should be free, and I have no intentions at all to make Spybot-S&&D commercial or crippled in any way.
labelDonations4=But sadly, development isn't free for me any more; your downloads are using much more bandwidth than I have rented, so I have to pay my provider; I need to test on different operating systems that I need to buy; etc.
labelDonations6=You won't get less support or crippled versions if you don't!
aUninstallRegy=Buangkan setting SpyBot-S&&D daripada registry (bahagian uninstall)
aUninstallDumpTrash=Buangkan key yang telah tercipta oleh Spybot-S&D versi lama
aUpdateSearch=Cari sebarang updates
aUpdateDownload=Download update
aBugReportSettings=Konfigurasi Mail
aRecoverySelectOld=Select semua benda yang lebih dariapada &30 hari
aRecoveryRecover=&Recover produk yang dipilih
aLanguageDelete=&Delete bahasa
aLanguageInstall=&Install bahasa
aResultsDeselect=&Deselect semua benda
aRecoveryDeselect=&Deselect semua benda
aResultsSelectProductOnly=Pilih hanya pr&oduk ini
aRecoverySelectProductOnly=Select hanya pr&oduk ini
aResultsSelectProduct=Pilih produk ini
aResultsDeselectProduct=Deselect produk ini
aRecoveryDeselectProduct=Deselect produk ini
aResultsSaveToFile=&Save keputusan ke file...
aResultsCopyToClipboard=Salin keputusan ke &clipboard
aBugReportAttachFile=&Tambah file ke dalam senarai...
aBugReportRemoveFile=&Alihkan file ini dari senarai
aShredderAddFile=&Hantar file ke senarai
aShredderRemoveFile=&Remove file daripada senarai
aRecoveryPurge=&Purge selected recovery
aResultsExcludeSingle=Exclude this detection from further searches
aResultsExcludeProduct=Exclude produk ini daripada further searches
aResultsFilesets=File sets
aDownloadDirAdd=&Masukkan direktori ke dalam senarai
aDownloadDirRemove=&Alihkan direktori tersebut daripada senarai
aProductInfoURL=&Visit URL
aProductExcludesSelectAll=&Select semua
aProductExcludesDeselectAll=Des&elect semua
aCookieExcludesSelectAll=Pilih &semua
aCookieExcludesDeselectAll=Tidak m&emilih semua
aExtensionExcludesSelectAll=Pilih &semua
aExtensionExcludesDeselectAll=Tidak m&emilih semua
aProductExcludesDescription=&Description mengenai produk ini
aProductExcludesExport=&E&xport senarai...
aUpdateExcludesAdd=&Letak ke senarai Exclude
aUpdateExcludesRemove=&Alihkan dari senarai exclude
aPGPVerify=&Verify signatures lagi sekali
aRemoveFromSingleExcludeList=&Remove this exclude daripada senarai
aBackToResults=Kepada senarai keputusan
aHostsAdd=Letakkan Spybot-S&&D senarai host
aHostsRemove=Alihkan Spybot-S&&D senarai host
aToolsRunCopyClipboard=Copy to clipboard
aHostsBackups=Restore backup
aUpdateLog=Tunjukkan log
labelInformation=The registry contains a link to a file that contains an invalid path. It is recommended to either fix the path or remove the link.
buttonIgnore.Hint=Dengan memilih ignore, registry tidak akan diubah dan masih point ke diretori tanpa memerlukan helpfile.
buttonOK.Hint=Jika anda telah tukar path kepada sesuatu yang betul, anda boleh terima direktori tersebut menggunakan button ini.
buttonDelete.Hint=Dengan memilih delete, anda akan delete daripada registry.Sila jangan lakukannya jika anda tak pasti!
buttonSearch.Hint=Cari cakerakeras anda untuk file ini, dimulakan dengan diektori "New Path" .
labelSearchResults=Tiada search yang bermula.
labelResults=Keputusan search:
labelNewPath=Path baru:
labelRegistryKey=Registry Key:
listboxSearchResults.Hint=Ini adalah senarai keputusan search. Pilih satu untuk membuatkannya sebagai path baru.
panelInformation=Anda hampir untuk uninstall Spybot - Search && Destroy. Semasa uninstalll, yang tersebut akan di buang:
panelQuestion=Adakah anda betul-betul hendak uninstall dan buangkan semua file ini?
tabRegistry=Registry key
labelInformation=Jika anda membuangkan robot iklan menggunakan aplikasi ini, anda mungkin tidak dibenarkan untuk terus menggunakan aplikasi dari host mereka . Untuk maklumat lanjut sila baca Perjanjian mereka.
checkboxNotAgain=Jangan ulangkan mesej ini lagi.
labelStandBy=Spybot - Search && Destroy is mengesan sistem anda. Sila sedia...
labelInformation=Terdapat masalah yang dijumpai, tetapi ia tidak serius. Jika anda tidak tekan button sekarang, ia akan diignored untuk sekarang...
groupPersonalInformation=Maklumat peribadi
groupSMTPServer=Server SMTP
groupPOP3Server=Server POP3
labelName=Nama anda:
labelAddress=Dan alamat mail:
labelSMTPServer=Alamat server:
checkboxSMTPAuth=Guna pengesahan SMTP melalui username
labelPOP3Server=Alamat server:
labelPOP3Password=Kata Laluan:
checkboxPOP3Auth=Connect kepada server untuk pengesahan SMTP-selepas-POP
menuitemOutlookExpress=Outlook &Express
menuitemOutlook8=Outlook &8.0 (97)
menuitemOutlook9=Outlook &9.0 (2000)
labelInformation=Anda telah menetapkan Spybot-S&&D untuk tunggu buat masa yang singkat sebelum memulakan pengesanan. Sila tunggu atau memilih arahan...
buttonOK=&Teruskan Sekarang
panelWaitForHeader=Aplikasi untuk menungu untuk
panelRunningHeader=Aplikasi yan sedang berjalan
radiogroupRootKey=Valid for... (root key)
radiogroupKey=Jenis aplikasi (key)
groupValueData=Registry entry (value && data)
radiogroupRootKey.0=Cipta untuk current pengguna sahaja (HKEY_CURRENT_USER)
radiogroupRootKey.1=Cipta untuk semua pengguna (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE)
radiogroupKey.0=Cipta link untuk aplikasi normal (Run)
radiogroupKey.1=Cipta link untuk aplikasi service (RunServices)
radiogroupKey.2=Cipta sebuah Autostart kumpulan link